The New Four Ps of Customer Behaviour

A Handy little thought starter courtesy of McKinsey

The New Four Ps of Customer Behavior

by JanBorunda.
Explore more visuals like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.

Discovered on the twitter feed of @JoeDLunn.

10 Insider Tips for Pitching Your Story to the Morning News

Now that branded content is part of media agency’s remits as well as PR agencies, here are some interesting thoughtstarters for you to consider to improve your chances of getting a network to cover your brand story.

Beyond PR

Chicago’s morning news shows air earlier and earlier, and local producers have to fill a combined 15 hours of news each morning. However, that doesn’t mean they are an easy sell, since these decision-makers tend to reject 95-98 percent of ideas sent them. What separates stories that air from those that don’t?

A panel, moderated by WGN’s Bill Moller, included Platform Manager Michael Batkins of WMAQ; Producer/Booker Emerald-Jane Hunter of WLS’ Windy City Live!; Supervising Producer Tracy O’Brien of CBS/WBBM; and Executive Producer Sandy Pudar of WGN, offered PR pros insider tips on the pitches that wake them up.

Pitch according to the station’s interests and reference relevant topics that were previously covered

Lackluster pitches showcase little knowledge of the person who is being pitched, the station being pitched and, worst of all, blanket generic pitches. Media experts expect PR professionals to be familiar with their shows and what they are looking for…

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Purpose with Pleasure- Aesop does the Myer windows


Aesop stores and windows have always been more like theatre sets than stores.

Always unique.  Always intriguing.

With the Nasotheque, an event happening in Myer store windows in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane they have taken intriguing to a new level with a combination of theatre, art, exhibitionism, humour and visual merchandising


A troupe of impassive mad scientists, create plaster casts of noses which go on display on a trophy wall for all to see.

The noses are cast from passersby in the casting lab.

People are able to touch and smell six nose casts, which have been infused with Aesop’s signature essential oils.

Touching disembodied noses is really cool.


“Some people think it’s marvelous, some people think it’s really strange. We are happy as long as it is intriguing, that has been our intent from the very beginning.”

Aesop’s visual merchandising manager, Carolyn Jackson