Join me … together we can rule the galaxy!

Star Wars  is the classic story. With a trio of relatables it’s a case of choose your own adventure.

The impatient country kid, the trapped princess or the world-weary cynic.

Together they rebel against evil, take on the empire and become better people.  Sigh.

So I am understandably looking forward to the next episode.

And I am liking the story Disney is creating around the story.

Today, JJ Abrams asked me if I wanted to be part of the movie.

And to be part of a movement to make the world a better place.

He showed me a glimpse of the world he is creating with a new Tatooine character.

And is giving me a t-shirt for becoming a part of it.  With R2D2 on it!

At present, this piece lives on Omaze, a site that offers up money can’t buy experiences for charity donations.

Movie marketing really is setting the bar, don’t you think.




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